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Members of our team a wealth of expertise owing to their diverse backgrounds in veterinary science, ecology, spatial epidemiology and mathematical modelling. We apply spatial epidemiology and risk mapping approaches for projects at interface between animal and human public health to develop a broader understanding of what mechanisms influence the geographical distributions of animal and human infections.

Ricardo Soares Magalhães

Ricardo Soares Magalhães is head of the Spatial Epidemiology Laboratory (SpatialEpiLab) at the University of Queensland

Prof Magalhães is an infectious disease epidemiologist with qualifications in both human and veterinary public health. His primary research focus is on the application of spatial risk assessment methods and population-based intervention studies to provide epidemiological evidence for more rational implementation of strategies for the control of infectious diseases of animals and humans. His interests are broad, ranging from the development of geographical models of infectious disease distribution to quantifying the role of spatial variation as an influence on socio-economic indicators such as water, sanitation and hygiene, to assessing the spatial distributions of helminth infection of children and associated morbidities. He has fostered collaborations that encompass many international and domestic partners, with a diversity of ongoing projects supported locally at UQ’s Child Health Research Centre, School of Veterinary Science and School of Public Health. He is currently seeking PhD candidates with skills in data analysis, statistical programming and machine learning to contribute to projects linking Big Data to spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiology. Read more about A/Prof Magalhães’s work on his ResearchGate and at his Google Scholar page.

Prof Soares Magalhães recent publications
Year Title Journal Authors
2025 Molecular Epidemiological Characteristics of Staphylococcus Pseudintermedius, Staphylococcus Coagulans, and Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci Cultured … Antibiotics S Horsman, J Zaugg, E Meler, et al
2025 The Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with the Presence of Antibiotic Residues in Milk from Peri-Urban Dairy Cattle Farms in Kathmandu, Nepal Antibiotics EE Rame Hau, M Sharma, BKS Khanal, et al
2025 Development of a Zoonotic Influenza Distribution Assessment and Ranking System (Zidar): Technical Application in Nepal to Support Cross-Sectoral Risk-Based Surveillance One Health A Charette-Castonguay, D Gautam, B Shrestha, et al
2025 Prevalence and Risk Factors of Coxiellosis at the Human–animal–environment Interface in the South Asian Countries: a Systematic Review and Meta‐analysis Transboundary and Emerging Diseases MM Islam, P Dutta, D Bansal, et al
2024 Seroepidemiological Survey to Cell Culture Rabies Vaccines (Ccrv) in Brazil One Health RI da Silva, LB Chaves, S dos Ramos Silva, et al
2024 a Scoping Review of the Evidence on Prevalence of Feline Upper Respiratory Tract Infections and Associated Risk Factors Veterinary Sciences U Kennedy, MBA Paterson, RS Magalhaes, et al
2024 Epidemiological Risk Factors and Modelling Approaches for Risk Assessment of Lumpy Skin Disease Virus Introduction and Spread: Methodological Review and Implications for Risk … Transboundary and Emerging Diseases K Owada, TJ Mahony, RK Ambrose, et al
2024 a Generalizable Prioritization Protocol for Climate-Sensitive Zoonotic Diseases Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease AC Castonguay, S Chowdhury, IS Shanta, et al
2024 Prevalence of Extended‐spectrum Beta‐lactamase (Esbl)–producing Escherichia Coli in Humans, Food, and Environment in Kathmandu, Nepal: Findings from Esbl E. Coli Tricycle Project Int J of Microbiology J Acharya, R Jha, TR Gompo, et al
2024 Quantifying Feral Pig Interactions to Inform Disease Transmission Networks Biorxiv T Proboste, A Turnlund, A Bengsen, et al
2024 Seroprevalence of Canine Distemper Virus Antibodies in Free-Roaming Dogs in Cambodia. The Veterinary J J Wheelhouse, S Mak, R Legrand, et al
2024 Environmental Exposure and Cancer Occurrence in Dogs: a Critical Appraisal of Evidence. Research in Veterinary Science K Owada, E Nicholls, RJS Magalhães, et al
2024 Detection and Characterisation of Colistin-Resistant Escherichia Coli in Broiler Meats Microorganisms AZ Tanzin, C Nath, MRK Nayem, et al
2024 Ascertainment of Community Exposure Sites to Ross River Virus During the 2020 Outbreak in Brisbane, Australia The J of Infectious Diseases, Jiae T Proboste, D Bista, NJ Clark, et al
2024 Design Characteristics of Integrated Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance at the Human, Animal, and Environment Interfaces Cabi Reviews EER Hau, PD Sly, D Mikkelsen, et al
2024 Assessing Perceptions of Flea and Tick Infestation Risk in Southeast Queensland, Australia Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports T Proboste, E Dennis, RJS Magalhães, et al
2024 Long-Term Exposure to Ambient Fine Particulate Matter (Pm2. 5) and Attributable Pulmonary Tuberculosis Notifications in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China: a Health Impact … Bmj Open I Popovic, RS Magalhaes, S Yang, et al
2024 Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles of Campylobacter Spp. Recovered from Chicken Farms in Two Districts of Bangladesh Foodborne Pathogens and Disease M Hasan, S Talukder, AK Mandal, et al
2023 Japanese Encephalitis Emergence in Australia: The Potential Population at Risk Clinical Infectious Diseases L Yakob, W Hu, FD Frentiu, et al
2023 The Association Between Air Pollutants, Meteorological Factors and Tuberculosis Cases in Beijing, China: a Seven-Year Time Series Study Environmental Research S Sun, Q Chang, J He, et al
2023 using Ecological Niche Modeling to Predict the Potential Distribution of Scrub Typhus in Fujian Province, China Parasites & Vectors X Li, X Wei, W Yin, et al
2023 Global Patterns of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (Mers-Cov) Prevalence and Seroprevalence in Camels: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis One Health MM Islam, H Khanom, E Farag, et al
2023 Molecular Detection of Tetracycline-Resistant Genes in Multi-Drug-Resistant Escherichia Coli Isolated from Broiler Meat in Bangladesh Antibiotics GS Alam, MM Hassan, M Ahaduzzaman, et al
2023 Nasal Microbiota Profiles in Shelter Dogs with Dermatological Conditions Carrying Methicillin-Resistant and Methicillin-Sensitive Staphylococcus Species Scientific Reports S Horsman, E Meler, D Mikkelsen, et al
2023 Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Environmental Determinants of Scrub Typhus in Anhui Province, China, 2010–2020 Scientific Reports X Wei, J He, W Yin, et al
2023 Perceptions of Livestock Value Chain Actors (Vcas) on the Risk of Acquiring Zoonotic Diseases from their Livestock in the Central Dry Zone of Myanmar Bmc Public Health TTZ Win, A Campbell, RJ Soares Magalhaes, et al
2023 The One Health Epidemiology of Avian Influenza Infection in Bangladesh: Lessons Learned from the Past 15 Years Transboundary and Emerging Diseases MM Hassan, P Dutta, MM Islam, et al
2023 Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Algorithms for Rapid and Non-Invasive Detection of Trichuris Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases TN Kariyawasam, S Ciocchetta, P Visendi, et al
2023 Associations Between Canine Hookworm Infection and Dog Owners Awareness, Perception, and Behaviour: a Cross Sectional Study in Brisbane, Queensland, 2019 2020 Zoonoses and Public Health K Owada, S Abdullah, N Clark, et al
2023 Developing the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for ’australia’s Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy: 2020 and Beyond’using a One Health Approach Population Medicine L Hall, S Lawler, T Comans, et al
2022 Anaemia in Women of Reproductive Age in Low-and Middle-Income Countries: Progress Towards the 2025 Global Nutrition Target Bulletin of the World Health Organization MM Hasan, RJS Magalhaes, SP Garnett, et al
2022 Knowledge, Attitudes, and Common Practices of Livestock and Poultry Veterinary Practitioners Regarding the Amu and Amr in Bangladesh Antibiotics M Kalam, M Rahman, M Alim, et al
2022 Geographical and Socioeconomic Inequalities in the Double Burden of Malnutrition among Women in Southeast Asia: a Population-Based Study The Lancet Regional Health-Southeast Asia T Biswas, N Townsend, R Magalhaes, et al
2022 Epidemiological Profile of a Human Hepatitis e Virus Outbreak in 2018, Chattogram, Bangladesh Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease K Owada, J Sarkar, M Rahman, et al
2022 Near-Term Forecasting of Companion Animal Tick Paralysis Incidence: An Iterative Ensemble Model Plos Computational Biology NJ Clark, T Proboste, G Weerasinghe, et al
2022 Epidemiological Characteristics and Spatiotemporal Patterns of Scrub Typhus in Fujian Province During 2012–2020 Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases L Qian, Y Wang, X Wei, et al
2022 Prevalence and Diversity of Gastrointestinal Parasites in Free‐ranging Rhesus Macaques (Macaca Mulatta) in Different Land Gradients of Bangladesh American J of Primatology S Islam, MK Rahman, MH Uddin, et al
2022 Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity and Determinants of Canine Rabies Evidence at Local Government Area Level in Nigeria: Implications for Rabies Prevention and Control One Health PP Mshelbwala, JS Weese, NJ Clark, et al
2022 The Effects of Oclacitinib Treatment on Antimicrobial Usage in Allergic Dogs in Primary Practice: An Australia Wide Case-Control Study Bmc Veterinary Research H Rynhoud, C Croton, G Henry, et al
2022 Toxoplasma Gondii Infection is Associated with Low Birth Weight: Findings from an Observational Study among Rural Bangladeshi Women Pathogens I Parvin, SK Das, S Ahmed, et al
2022 Forecasting Scrub Typhus Cases in Eight High-Risk Counties in China: Evaluation of Time-Series Model Performance Frontiers in Environmental Science J He, X Wei, W Yin, et al
2022 Effects of Long-Term Ambient Air Pollution Exposure on Township-Level Pulmonary Tuberculosis Notification Rates During 2005–2017 in Ningxia, China Environmental Pollution I Popovic, RJS Magalhães, Y Yang, et al
2022 a Cross‐sectional Survey of Risk Factors for the Presence of Coxiella Burnetii in Australian Commercial Dairy Goat Farms Australian Veterinary J KW Hou, AK Wiethoelter, MA Stevenson, et al
2022 Exploring the Determinants of Influenza a/H7n9 Control Intervention Efficacy in China: Disentangling the Effect of the “1110” Policy and Poultry Vaccination Transboundary and Emerging Diseases Z Yi, G Lu, S Chaojian, et al
2022 Co-Effects of Global Climatic Dynamics and Local Climatic Factors on Scrub Typhus in Mainland China Based on a Nine-Year Time-Frequency Analysis One Health J He, Y Wang, P Liu, et al
2022 Impact of a 5-Year Mass Drug Administration Programme for Soil-Transmitted Helminthiases on the Spatial Distribution of Childhood Anaemia in Burundi from 2007 to 2011 Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease M Assoum, G Ortu, MG Basáñez, et al
2022 Profiling Risk Factors for Household and Community Spatiotemporal Clusters of q Fever Notifications in Queensland Between 2002 and 2017 Pathogens T Proboste, NJ Clark, S Tozer, et al
2022 Spatial Epidemiology of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Subtype H5n6 in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, 2016–2017 Transboundary and Emerging Diseases JS Lim, RJ Soares Magalhães, S Chakma, et al
2022 Research and Innovation Opportunities to Improve Epidemiological Knowledge and Control of Environmentally Driven Zoonoses Annals of Global Health T Proboste, A James, A Charette-Castonguay, et al
2022 How can We Compare Multispecies Livestock Rearing Households?–an Analysis of the Impact of Health and Production Parameters on Multispecies Livestock Rearing Outcomes Bmc Veterinary Research TTZ Win, A Campbell, RJ Soares Magalhaes, et al
2022 Anemia en Mujeres en Edad Reproductiva De Países De Ingresos Bajos y Medios: Avances Hacia La Meta Global De Nutrición De 2025 Bulletin of the World Health Organization MM Hasan, RJS Magalhaes, SP Garnett, et al
2021 Rabies Epidemiology, Prevention and Control in Nigeria: Scoping Progress Towards Elimination Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases PP Mshelbwala, JS Weese, OA Sanni-Adeniyi, et al
2021 Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Escherichia Coli Surveillance in the Human, Food Chain, and Environment Sectors: Tricycle Project (Pilot) in Indonesia One Health N Puspandari, S Sunarno, T Febrianti, et al
2021 The Application of Spectroscopy Techniques for Diagnosis of Malaria Parasites and Arboviruses and Surveillance of Mosquito Vectors: a Systematic Review and Critical Appraisal … Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases B Goh, K Ching, RJ Soares Magalhães, et al
2021 Levels, Trends, and Inequalities in using Institutional Delivery Services in Low-and Middle-Income Countries: a Stratified Analysis by Facility Type Global Health: Science and Practice MM Hasan, RJS Magalhaes, Y Fatima, et al
2021 Double Burden of Malnutrition among Women of Reproductive Age in 55 Low-and Middle-Income Countries: Progress Achieved and Opportunities for Meeting the Global Target European J of Clinical Nutrition MM Hasan, S Ahmed, RJS Magalhaes, et al
2021 Perceptions of Dog Owners Towards Canine Gastrointestinal Parasitism and Associated Human Health Risk in Southeast Queensland One Health T Nguyen, N Clark, MK Jones, et al
2021 The Association Between the Use of Oclacitinib and Antibacterial Therapy in Dogs with Allergic Dermatitis: a Retrospective Case-Control Study Frontiers in Veterinary Science H Rynhoud, J Gibson, E Meler, et al
2021 Molecular Epidemiology of Clinical and Colonising Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Isolates in Companion Animals Frontiers in Veterinary Science H Rynhoud, BM Forde, SA Beatson, et al
2021 Geographical Variation and Temporal Trend in Anemia among Children 6-59 Months of Age in Low-and Middle-Income Countries During 2000-2018: Forecasting the 2030 Sdg Target Public Health Nutrition MM Hasan, RJS Magalhaes, S Ahmed, et al
2021 Geographical Variation in Coxiella Burnetii Seroprevalence in a Dairy Farm Located in South-Western Ethiopia: Understanding the Broader Community Risk Pathogens T Proboste, FB Deressa, Y Li, et al
2021 National Seroprevalence of Coxiella Burnetii in Chile, 2016–2017 Pathogens T Tapia, MF Olivares, J Stenos, et al
2021 What Drives Small-Scale Farmers to Vaccinate their Multiple Livestock Species Animals Against Common Infectious Diseases in Myanmar? Plos One TTZ Win, A Campbell, RJS Magalhaes, et al
2021 Risk Areas for Influenza a (H5) Environmental Contamination in Live Bird Markets, Dhaka, Bangladesh Emerging Infectious Diseases S Chakma, MG Osmani, H Akwar, et al
2021 Epidemiology of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Species Carriage in Companion Animals in the Greater Brisbane Area, Australia Research in Veterinary Science H Rynhoud, E Meler, JS Gibson, et al
2021 Temporal Trends in Between and Within‐country Inequalities in Caesarean Delivery in Low‐and Middle‐income Countries: a Bayesian Analysis Bjog: An Int J of Obstetrics & Gynaecology MM Hasan, S Ahmed, RJ Soares Magalhaes, et al
2021 Effect of Endometrial Sampling Procedures on Subsequent Pregnancy Rate of Cattle Animals O Ramirez-Garzon, R Soares Magalhaes, N Satake, et al
2021 Development and Validation of a Sub-National, Satellite-Based Land-Use Regression Model for Annual Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations in North-Western China Int J of Environmental Research and Public Health I Popovic, RJS Magalhães, S Yang, et al
2021 Prevalence and Antibiotic Resistance Profile of Salmonella Spp. in Broiler Carcasses from Dominant Poultry Production Areas in Bhutan KP Penjor, MG Gurung, KI Islam, et al
2021 Geographical Variation in Coxiella Burnetii Seroprevalence in Dairy Farms Located in South-Western Ethiopia: Understanding the Broader Community Risk. Pathogens 2021, 10, 646 s Note: Mdpi Stays Neutral with Regard to Jurisdictional Claims in Published … T Proboste, FB Deressa, Y Li, et al
2020 Double Burden of Underweight and Overweight among Women in South and Southeast Asia: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Advances in Nutrition T Biswas, RJS Magalhaes, N Townsend, et al
2020 Epidemiology of Soil-Transmitted Helminth Infections in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases J Kurscheid, B Laksono, MJ Park, et al
2020 Patterns and Determinants of the Double Burden of Malnutrition at the Household Level in South and Southeast Asia European J of Clinical Nutrition T Biswas, N Townsend, RJS Magalhaes, et al
2020 Coxiella Burnetii in the Environment: a Systematic Review and Critical Appraisal of Sampling Methods Zoonoses and Public Health AMH Abeykoon, NJ Clark, RJ Soares Magalhaes, et al
2020 Parasite Associations Predict Infection Risk: Incorporating Co-Infections in Predictive Models for Neglected Tropical Diseases Parasites & Vectors NJ Clark, K Owada, E Ruberanziza, et al
2020 Seroprevalence of and Risk Factors for q Fever in Dairy and Slaughterhouse Cattle of Jimma Town, South Western Ethiopia Bmc Veterinary Research FB Deressa, DO Kal, BD Gelalcha, et al
2020 Profiling the Public Health Risk of Canine Rabies Transmission in Kogi State, Nigeria One Health SS Okeme, GS Kia, PP Mshelbwala, et al
2020 Spatial Distribution of Leptospirosis Incidence in the Upper Yangtze and Pearl River Basin, China: Tools to Support Intervention and Elimination Science of the Total Environment PW Dhewantara, W Zhang, A Al Mamun, et al
2020 Meeting the Global Target in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Care Services in Low-and Middle-Income Countries Global Health: Science and Practice MM Hasan, RJS Magalhaes, S Ahmed, et al
2020 Environmental and Sociodemographic Risk Factors Associated with Environmentally Transmitted Zoonoses Hospitalisations in Queensland, Australia One Health J Cortes-Ramirez, D Vilcins, P Jagals, et al
2020 Unravelling Animal Exposure Profiles of Human q Fever Cases in Queensland, Australia using Natural Language Processing Transboundary and Emerging Diseases NJ Clark, S Tozer, C Wood, et al
2020 Tb and Hiv Epidemiology and Collaborative Service: Evidence from Ethiopia, 2011–2015 Hiv/Aids-Research and Palliative Care YA Gelaw, Y Assefa, RJS Magalhaes, et al
2020 Environmental Recovery of Nosocomial Bacteria in a Companion Animal Shelter Before and after Infection Control Procedures Frontiers in Veterinary Science S Horsman, H Rynhoud, X Zhou, et al
2020 Conservation Epidemiology of Predators and Scavengers to Reduce Zoonotic Risk The Lancet Planetary Health CJ O’Bryan, AR Braczkowski, RJS Magalhães, et al
2020 Interim Guidance for Health‐care Professionals and Administrators Providing Hospital Care to Adult Patients with Cognitive Impairment, in the Context of Covid‐19 Pandemic Australasian J on Ageing M Martin‐Khan, K Bail, MW Yates, et al
2020 Geographical Variation in the Risk of H7n9 Human Infections in China: Implications for Risk-Based Surveillance Scientific Reports X Zhou, L Gao, Y Wang, et al
2020 Dog Bite Emergency Department Presentations in Brisbane Metro South: Epidemiology and Exploratory Medical Geography for Targeted Interventions One Health A Pekin, H Rynhoud, B Brennan, et al
2020 Modelling the Impact of Maup on Environmental Drivers for Schistosoma Japonicum Prevalence Parasites & Vectors ALA Navas, F Osei, RJS Magalhães, et al
2020 Covid-19 Propagation Prediction and Assessment Method with Imported Cases and Infection Generations: Shanxi Province as a Case J Zhang, GQ Sun, M Li, et al
2020 Elective Caesarean Delivery Associated with Infant Hospitalisation for Intestinal but not Respiratory Infection Maternal and Child Health J KS Betts, RJS Magalhães, R Alati
2020 Effect of Increased Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccine Coverage on the Burden of Influenza among Elderly People in Hong Kong Versus Brisbane: Abridged Secondary Publication Hong Kong Med j L Yang, WB Hu, CM Wong, et al
2020 Interim Guidance for the Care of Adult Patients with Cognitive Impairment Requiring Hospital Care During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Australia M Martin-Khan, A Argo, K Bail, et al
2020 Modelling the Impact of Maup on Environmental Drivers for Schistosoma Japonicum Prevalence. Parasites & Vectors AL Araujo Navas, F Osei, RJ Soares Magalhães, et al
2020 Estimation of Disability-Adjusted Life Years (Dalys) Averted over a 10-Year Period as Outcome Measure for Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis (Sth) Control Strategies in the Philippines Southeast Asian J of Tropical Medicine and Public Health FB Garcia Jr, KH Balcon, N Graves, et al
2019 Spatial and Temporal Variation of Dengue Incidence in the Island of Bali, Indonesia: An Ecological Study Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease PW Dhewantara, R Marina, T Puspita, et al
2019 Current Progress and Future Directions in the Double Burden of Malnutrition among Women in South and Southeast Asian Countries Current Developments in Nutrition T Biswas, N Townsend, RJS Magalhaes, et al
2019 Hiv Prevalence among Tuberculosis Patients in Sub-Saharan Africa: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Aids and Behavior YA Gelaw, G Williams, RJS Magalhães, et al
2019 Effect of Temperature and Altitude Difference on Tuberculosis Notification: a Systematic Review J of Global Infectious Diseases YA Gelaw, W Yu, RJS Magalhães, et al
2019 Spatial Clustering and Socio-Demographic Determinants of Hiv Infection in Ethiopia, 2015–2017 Int J of Infectious Diseases YA Gelaw, RJS Magalhães, Y Assefa, et al
2019 Risk Factors for Dengue Outbreaks in Odisha, India: a Case-Control Study J of Infection and Public Health S Swain, M Bhatt, D Biswal, et al
2019 Comparison of Influenza Disease Burden in Older Populations of Hong Kong and Brisbane: The Impact of Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccination Bmc Infectious Diseases L Yang, KP Chan, CM Wong, et al
2019 Mapping Soil-Transmitted Helminth Parasite Infection in Rwanda: Estimating Endemicity and Identifying at-Risk Populations Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease E Ruberanziza, K Owada, NJ Clark, et al
2019 Climate Variability, Satellite-Derived Physical Environmental Data and Human Leptospirosis: a Retrospective Ecological Study in China Environmental Research PW Dhewantara, W Hu, W Zhang, et al
2019 Distribution of and Associated Factors for Dengue Burden in the State of Odisha, India During 2010–2016 Infectious Diseases of Poverty S Swain, M Bhatt, S Pati, et al
2019 Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Associated with Avian Influenza along the Live Chicken Market Chains in Eastern China: a Cross‐sectional Survey in Shanghai, Anhui, and Jiangsu Transboundary and Emerging Diseases X Zhou, Y Zhang, C Shen, et al
2019 Identification of Microchip Implantation Events for Dogs and Cats in the Vetcompass Australia Database Animals P McGreevy, S Masters, L Richards, et al
2019 Mapping Schistosoma Mansoni Endemicity in Rwanda: a Critical Assessment of Geographical Disparities Arising from Circulating Cathodic Antigen Versus Kato-Katz Diagnostics Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases NJ Clark, I Umulisa, E Ruberanziza, et al
2019 Geographical Distribution and Risk Factors for Echinococcus Granulosus Infection in Peri-Urban Wild Dog Populations Int J for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife L Harriott, M Gentle, R Traub, et al
2019 Sociodemographic Profiling of Tuberculosis Hotspots in Ethiopia, 2014–2017 Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene YA Gelaw, G Williams, Y Assefa, et al
2019 Zoonotic and Economically Significant Pathogens of Peri-Urban Wild Dogs Across North-Eastern New South Wales and South-Eastern Queensland, Australia Wildlife Research L Harriott, M Gentle, R Traub, et al
2019 The Impact of Expanded Brucellosis Surveillance in Beef Cattle on Human Brucellosis in Korea: An Interrupted Time-Series Analysis Bmc Infectious Diseases S Ryu, RJS Magalhães, BC Chun
2019 Functional Illiteracy Burden in Soil-Transmitted Helminth (Sth) Endemic Regions of the Philippines: An Ecological Study and Geographical Prediction for 2017 Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases K Owada, M Nielsen, CL Lau, et al
2019 Determinants of Spatial Heterogeneity of Functional Illiteracy among School-Aged Children in the Philippines: An Ecological Study Int J of Environmental Research and Public Health K Owada, M Nielsen, C Lau, et al
2019 Modeling Schistosoma Japonicum Infection under Pure Specification Bias: Impact of Environmental Drivers of Infection Int J of Environmental Research and Public Health AL Araujo Navas, F Osei, LR Leonardo, et al
2019 The Association Between Diet of Periurban Wild Dogs and Zoonotic Pathogen Carriage Australian Mammalogy L Harriott, M Gentle, R Traub, et al
2019 Disparities in the Prevalence of Malnutrition of Reproductive Women and under Five Children in Low-and Middle-Income Countries (P04-103-19) Current Developments in Nutrition MM Hasan, RJS Magalhaes, AA Mamun
2019 a Systematic Review and Critical Appraisal of the Quality of Studies Looking into the Economic Evaluation of Control Strategies for Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis And … Acta Medica Philippina FB Garcia Jr, K Halton-Balcon, N Graves, et al
2019 Districts of Hiv Clustering in Ethiopia: 2015-2017 Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene YA Gelaw, RJS Magalhaes, Y Assefa, et al
2019 Geographical Distribution of Human Leptospirosis Incidence in the Upper Yangtze and Pearl River Basin, China: Tools to Support Surveillance and Focused Intervention American J of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene PW Dhewantara, AA Mamun, W Zhang, et al
2018 Airborne Geographical Dispersal of q Fever from Livestock Holdings to Human Communities: a Systematic Review and Critical Appraisal of Evidence Bmc Infectious Diseases NJ Clark, RJS Magalhães
2018 a Systematic Literature Review and Critical Appraisal of Epidemiological Studies on Outdoor Air Pollution and Tuberculosis Outcomes Environmental Research I Popovic, RJS Magalhaes, E Ge, et al
2018 Labrador Retrievers under Primary Veterinary Care in the Uk: Demography, Mortality and Disorders Canine Genetics and Epidemiology PD McGreevy, BJ Wilson, CS Mansfield, et al
2018 Spatial Epidemiological Approaches to Inform Leptospirosis Surveillance and Control: a Systematic Review and Critical Appraisal of Methods Zoonoses and Public Health PW Dhewantara, CL Lau, KJ Allan, et al
2018 Epidemiological Shift and Geographical Heterogeneity in the Burden of Leptospirosis in China Infectious Diseases of Poverty PW Dhewantara, AA Mamun, WY Zhang, et al
2018 Epidemiology of Pseudorabies in Intensive Pig Farms in Shanghai, China: Herd-Level Prevalence and Risk Factors Preventive Veterinary Medicine L Xia, Q Sun, J Wang, et al
2018 Characteristics of Livestock Husbandry and Management Practice in the Central Dry Zone of Myanmar Tropical Animal Health and Production TTZ Win, A Campbell, RJS Magalhães, et al
2018 Geographical and Temporal Distribution of the Residual Clusters of Human Leptospirosis in China, 2005–2016 Scientific Reports PW Dhewantara, A Al Mamun, WY Zhang, et al
2018 Spatial Distribution and Populations at Risk of A. Lumbricoides and T. Trichiura Co-Infections and Infection Intensity Classes: An Ecological Study Parasites & Vectors K Owada, CL Lau, L Leonardo, et al
2018 Risk Factors for Recurrence of Fmd Outbreaks in Iran: a Case-Control Study in a Highly Endemic Area Bmc Veterinary Research K Ilbeigi, S Bokaie, S Aghasharif, et al
2018 Spatiotemporal Patterns and Environmental Drivers of Human Echinococcoses over a Twenty-Year Period in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China Parasites & Vectors AMC Restrepo, YR Yang, DP McManus, et al
2018 Effectiveness of Market-Level Biosecurity at Reducing Exposure of Poultry and Humans to Avian Influenza: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis The J of Infectious Diseases X Zhou, Y Wang, H Liu, et al
2018 Environmental Risk Factors and Changing Spatial Patterns of Human Seropositivity for Echinococcus Spp. in Xiji County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China Parasites & Vectors AM Cadavid Restrepo, YR Yang, DP McManus, et al
2018 The Extensive Networks of Frequent Population Mobility in the Samoan Islands and their Implications for Infectious Disease Transmission Scientific Reports Z Xu, CL Lau, X Zhou, et al
2018 Chronic Helminth Infection Perturbs the Gut-Brain Axis, Promotes Neuropathology and Alters Behaviour The J of Infectious Diseases, Jiy PR Giacomin, AK Kraeuter, EA Albornoz, et al
2018 Environmental Risk Factors and Changing Spatial Patterns of Human Seropositivity for Echinococcus Spp. in Xiji County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China Parasites & Vectors AMC Restrepo, YR Yang, DP McManus, et al
2018 Modelling Local Areas of Exposure to Schistosoma Japonicum in a Limited Survey Data Environment Parasites & Vectors ALA Navas, RJS Magalhães, F Osei, et al
2018 Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Malnutrition Indicators in Children under 5 Years of Age in Bangladesh, 1999–2011 Public Health Nutrition MT Hasan, AA Mamun, GM Williams, et al
2018 Spatial Prediction of the Risk of Exposure to Echinococcus Spp. among Schoolchildren and Dogs in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China Geospatial Health AMC Restrepo, YR Yang, DP McManus, et al
2018 The Role of Neonatal Pulmonary Morbidity in the Longitudinal Patterns of Hospitalisation for Respiratory Infection During the First Year of Life Epidemiology & Infection KS Betts, RJS Magalhães, R Alati
2018 Spatiotemporal Patterns and Environmental Drivers of Human Echinococcoses over a Twenty-Year Period in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China Parasites and Vectors AM Cadavid Restrepo, YR Yang, DP McManus, et al

Early and Mid Career Researchers

Nicholas Clark

Dr Nicholas J Clark is a lecturer in molecular epidemiology at the Spatial Epidemiology Laboratory (SpatialEpiLab), University of Queensland

Dr Clark is a UQ Amplify Fellow and Lecturer in Genetics and Molecular Epidemiology with broad interests in spatial epidemiology, ecologial forecasting and identifying mechanisms that influence the spread of pathogens at the human-wildlife interface. He graduated with a PhD from Griffith University under supervision of Dr Sonya Clegg, where he used mathematical models to study factors that influence the ecology and evolution of avian malaria parasites. His role with the group is to conduct spatial modelling of zoonotic pathogens, primarily Q fever and rabies virus, develop multivariate statistical models and forecast risks of tick infestation for Australian domestic animals. He also maintains a small blog on the development of Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) for time series analyses. He is currently seeking PhD candidates with skills in data analysis and / or statistical programming to contribute to projects linking Big Data to ecology and molecular epidemiology problems. See our Opportunities page for details of the types of projects he is interested in supervising and how to contact him. Read more about Dr Clark’s work on his UQ Researchers website and at his Google Scholar page. R code for Dr Clark’s software programs can be found on his Github page.

Dr Clark's recent publications
Year Title Journal Authors
2025 Beyond Single-Species Models: Leveraging Multispecies Forecasts to Navigate the Dynamics of Ecological Predictability Peerj NJ Clark, SKM Ernest, H Senyondo, et al
2025 The Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with the Presence of Antibiotic Residues in Milk from Peri-Urban Dairy Cattle Farms in Kathmandu, Nepal Antibiotics EE Rame Hau, M Sharma, BKS Khanal, et al
2025 Parasite Abundance‐occupancy Relationships Across Biogeographic Regions: Joint Effects of Niche Breadth, Host Availability and Climate J of Biogeography K Wells, JA Bell, A Fecchio, et al
2024 Modelling Nonlinear Responses of a Desert Rodent Species to Environmental Change with Hierarchical Dynamic Generalized Additive Models Ecological Modelling K Karunarathna, K Wells, NJ Clark
2024 Epidemiological Insights into the Burden of Feline Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Queensland Rspca Shelters Australian Veterinary J U Kennedy, M Paterson, N Clark
2024 Insights into Canine Rabies Vaccination Disparities in Sierra Leone: a Cross-Sectional Household Study Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases PP Mshelbwala, K Wangdi, JA Bunting-Graden, et al
2024 a Scoping Review of the Evidence on Prevalence of Feline Upper Respiratory Tract Infections and Associated Risk Factors Veterinary Sciences U Kennedy, MBA Paterson, RS Magalhaes, et al
2024 The Influence of Environment on Mosquito Feeding Patterns: a Meta-Analysis of ’universal’dna Diet Studies in a Global Context Biorxiv R O′ Rorke, M Lee, NJ Clark, et al
2024 Factors Influencing Canine Rabies Vaccination among Dog-Owning Households in Nigeria One Health PP Mshelbwala, CE Rupprecht, MO Osinubi, et al
2024 Prevalence of Feline Upper Respiratory Tract Pathogens and Risk Factors for Clinical Disease and Final Outcomes in an Rspca Shelter in Queensland, Australia Veterinary Record Open U Kennedy, M Stevenson, M Paterson, et al
2024 Ascertainment of Community Exposure Sites to Ross River Virus During the 2020 Outbreak in Brisbane, Australia The J of Infectious Diseases, Jiae T Proboste, D Bista, NJ Clark, et al
2024 a Systematic Review and Guide for using Multi-Response Statistical Models in Co-Infection Research Royal Society Open Science F Powell-Romero, K Wells, NJ Clark
2024 Advancing Ecological Community Analysis with Mriml 2.0: Unravelling Taxa Associations Through Interpretable Machine Learning N Fountain-Jones, R Appaw, M Alkhamis, et al
2024 Asymmetric Biotic Interactions Cannot be Inferred without Accounting for Priority Effects Ecology Letters F Powell‐Romero, K Wells, NJ Clark
2024 Assessing Perceptions of Flea and Tick Infestation Risk in Southeast Queensland, Australia Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports T Proboste, E Dennis, RJS Magalhães, et al
2024 Direct and Indirect Viral Associations Predict Coexistence in Wild Plant Virus Communities. Ess Open Archive Eprints A Norberg, H Susi, S Sallinen, et al
2023 Cryptic Marine Barriers to Gene Flow in a Vulnerable Coastal Species, the Dugong (Dugong Dugon) Marine Mammal Science AM McGowan, JM Lanyon, N Clark, et al
2023 Direct and Indirect Viral Associations Predict Coexistence in Wild Plant Virus Communities Current Biology A Norberg, H Susi, S Sallinen, et al
2023 using a Gradient Boosted Model for Case Ascertainment from Free-Text Veterinary Records Preventive Veterinary Medicine U Kennedy, M Paterson, N Clark
2023 Modelling Modifiable Factors Associated with the Probability of Human Rabies Deaths among Self-Reported Victims of Dog Bites in Abuja, Nigeria Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases PP Mshelbwala, R J. Soares Magalhães, JS Weese, et al
2023 Associations Between Canine Hookworm Infection and Dog Owners’ Awareness, Perception, and Behaviour: a Cross‐sectional Study in Brisbane, Queensland, 2019–2020 Zoonoses and Public Health K Owada, S Abdullah, N Clark, et al
2023 Identification of Antimicrobial Resistance in Faecal Microbes from Wild Dugongs (Dugong Dugon). Aquatic Mammals AM McGowan, JM Seddon, JM Lanyon, et al
2023 using Joint Species Distribution Models to Improve Predictions of Co-Infection in Veterinary Epidemiology Geovet F Powell-Romero, K Wells, N Clark
2022 Dynamic Generalised Additive Models (Dgams) for Forecasting Discrete Ecological Time Series Methods in Ecology and Evolution NJ Clark, K Wells
2022 Improving the Predictability and Interpretability of Co‐occurrence Modelling Through Feature‐based Joint Species Distribution Ensembles Methods in Ecology and Evolution F Powell‐Romero, N Fountain‐Jones, A Norberg, et al
2022 Near-Term Forecasting of Companion Animal Tick Paralysis Incidence: An Iterative Ensemble Model Plos Computational Biology NJ Clark, T Proboste, G Weerasinghe, et al
2022 Polymicrobial Foot Infection Patterns are Common and Associated with Treatment Failure Open Forum Infectious Diseases NR Barshes, NJ Clark, D Bidare, et al
2022 Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity and Determinants of Canine Rabies Evidence at Local Government Area Level in Nigeria: Implications for Rabies Prevention and Control One Health PP Mshelbwala, JS Weese, NJ Clark, et al
2022 Profiling Risk Factors for Household and Community Spatiotemporal Clusters of q Fever Notifications in Queensland Between 2002 and 2017 Pathogens T Proboste, NJ Clark, S Tozer, et al
2022 Haemoprotozoa in Wild Short‐beaked Echidnas (Tachyglossus Aculeatus) Australian Veterinary J AG Hill, SP Boyd, NJ Clark, et al
2022 Profiling Risk Factors for Household and Community Spatiotemporal Clusters of q Fever Notifications in Queensland Between 2002 and 2017. Pathogens 2022, 11, 830 s Note: Mdpi Stays Neutral with Regard to Jurisdictional Claims in Published … T Proboste, NJ Clark, S Tozer, et al
2021 Global Drivers of Avian Haemosporidian Infections Vary Across Zoogeographical Regions Global Ecology and Biogeography A Fecchio, NJ Clark, JA Bell, et al
2021 Coxiella Burnetii in the Environment: a Systematic Review and Critical Appraisal of Sampling Methods Zoonoses and Public Health AMH Abeykoon, NJ Clark, RJ Soares Magalhaes, et al
2021 Perceptions of Dog Owners Towards Canine Gastrointestinal Parasitism and Associated Human Health Risk in Southeast Queensland One Health T Nguyen, N Clark, MK Jones, et al
2021 Mriml: Multi‐response Interpretable Machine Learning to Model Genomic Landscapes Molecular Ecology Resources NM Fountain‐Jones, CP Kozakiewicz, BR Forester, et al
2021 Direct and Indirect Viral Associations Predict Coexistence in Wild Plant Virus Communities A Norberg, H Susi, S Sallinen, et al
2021 Tick Paralysis in Australian Birds Caused by Ixodes Holocyclus Australian Veterinary J AG Hill, NJ Clark, F Tokonami
2021 Role of Live Poultry Movement on Environmental Contamination Patterns of Avian Influenza a Viruses Circulating in Live Bird Markets, Dhaka, Bangladesh S Chakma, PP Mshelbwala, MA Samad, et al
2021 Spatial Patterns of Canine Rabies Evidence at the Local Government Area Level in Nigeria: Association with Socioeconomic and Ecological Determinants PP Mshelbwala, JS Weese, I Tekki, et al
2020 An Inverse Latitudinal Gradient in Infection Probability and Phylogenetic Diversity for Leucocytozoon Blood Parasites in New World Birds J of Animal Ecology A Fecchio, JA Bell, M Bosholn, et al
2020 Rapid Winter Warming Could Disrupt Coastal Marine Fish Community Structure Nature Climate Change NJ Clark, JT Kerry, CI Fraser
2020 Microbial Associations and Spatial Proximity Predict North American Moose (Alces Alces) Gastrointestinal Community Composition J of Animal Ecology NM Fountain‐Jones, NJ Clark, AC Kinsley, et al
2020 Parasite Associations Predict Infection Risk: Incorporating Co-Infections in Predictive Models for Neglected Tropical Diseases Parasites & Vectors NJ Clark, K Owada, E Ruberanziza, et al
2020 Robust Geographical Determinants of Infection Prevalence and a Contrasting Latitudinal Diversity Gradient for Haemosporidian Parasites in Western Palearctic Birds Molecular Ecology NJ Clark, SV Drovetski, G Voelker
2020 Unravelling Animal Exposure Profiles of Human q Fever Cases in Queensland, Australia, using Natural Language Processing Transboundary and Emerging Diseases NJ Clark, S Tozer, C Wood, et al
2020 Genetic Analysis of Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (Pcv2) in Queensland, Australia Australian Veterinary J NK Mone, NJ Clark, M Kyaw‐Tanner, et al
2019 Climate Variation Influences Host Specificity in Avian Malaria Parasites Ecology Letters A Fecchio, K Wells, JA Bell, et al
2019 Host Specificity in Variable Environments Trends in Parasitology K Wells, NJ Clark
2019 Out-of-Africa, Human-Mediated Dispersal of the Common Cat Flea, Ctenocephalides Felis: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to World Domination Int J for Parasitology AL Lawrence, CE Webb, NJ Clark, et al
2019 Synchronous Shedding of Multiple Bat Paramyxoviruses Coincides with Peak Periods of Hendra Virus Spillover Emerging Microbes & Infections AJ Peel, K Wells, J Giles, et al
2019 Mapping Soil-Transmitted Helminth Parasite Infection in Rwanda: Estimating Endemicity and Identifying at-Risk Populations Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease E Ruberanziza, K Owada, NJ Clark, et al
2019 Global Patterns in Helminth Host Specificity: Phylogenetic and Functional Diversity of Regional Host Species Pools Matter Ecography K Wells, DI Gibson, NJ Clark
2019 Mapping Schistosoma Mansoni Endemicity in Rwanda: a Critical Assessment of Geographical Disparities Arising from Circulating Cathodic Antigen Versus Kato-Katz … Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases NJ Clark, I Umulisa, E Ruberanziza, et al
2019 Commensal Bacterial Sharing Does not Predict Host Social Associations in Kangaroos J of Animal Ecology T Proboste, P Corvalan, N Clark, et al
2018 Airborne Geographical Dispersal of q Fever from Livestock Holdings to Human Communities: a Systematic Review and Critical Appraisal of Evidence Bmc Infectious Diseases NJ Clark, RJ Soares Magalhães
2018 Parasite Spread at the Domestic Animal - Wildlife Interface: Anthropogenic Habitat Use, Phylogeny and Body Mass Drive Risk of Cat and Dog Flea (Ctenocephalides Spp … Parasites & Vectors NJ Clark, JM Seddon, J Šlapeta, et al
2018 Climate, Host Phylogeny and the Connectivity of Host Communities Govern Regional Parasite Assembly Diversity and Distributions NJ Clark, SM Clegg, K Sam, et al
2018 Global Spread of Helminth Parasites at the Human–domestic Animal–wildlife Interface Global Change Biology K Wells, DI Gibson, NJ Clark, et al
2018 Unravelling Changing Interspecific Interactions Across Environmental Gradients using Markov Random Fields Ecology NJ Clark, K Wells, O Lindberg
2018 Phylogenetic Uniqueness, not Latitude, Explains the Diversity of Avian Blood Parasite Communities Worldwide Global Ecology and Biogeography NJ Clark
2018 Emergence of Canine Parvovirus Subtype 2b (Cpv-2b) Infections in Australian Dogs Infection, Genetics and Evolution NJ Clark, JM Seddon, M Kyaw-Tanner, et al
2018 Mrfcov: Markov Random Fields with Additional Covariates r Package Version NJ Clark, K Wells, O Lindberg

Kei Owada

Dr Kei Owada is a postdoctoral fellow at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

Dr Owada is a post-doctoral fellow at UQ, specialising in infectious disease epidemiology. She completed her PhD thesis on the role of soil-transmitted helminths on the cognitive development of school aged children at the UQ faculty of medicine (2019). Her primary supervisor was Prof Ricardo J Soares Magalhães. She has received field epidemiology training at the US CDC (2011), and worked as a field epidemiologist. Her past work includes integrated disease surveillance work in Sierra Leone (2012), Ebola outbreak front line response work in Sierra Leone (2014-2015), and Ebola outbreak response and preparedness work at the WHO regional office in Brazzaville, Congo (2018-2019). Her experience also extends to the field of medical entomology, after receiving field entomology training in Samoa as part of the Samoa Lymphatic filariasis xenomonitoring project (2018).

Tatiana Proboste

Dr Tatiana proboste is a postdoctoral fellow at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

Dr Proboste is a post-doctoral fellow at UQ Spatial Epidemiology Laboratory. Her background is in Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and terrestrial ecology and biodiversity management (Msc) with a specialisation in wildlife disease ecology and spatial analysis. As a researcher, Tatiana has worked on molecular detection of tick-borne pathogens under the supervision of Dr Javier Millan in Spain, and during her PhD, she worked on developing tools to investigate the role of wildlife in disease transmission in urbanized environment under the supervision of Prof Jenny Seddon, Dr Nick Clark, Dr Hawthorne Beyer and Prof Jonathan Rhodes. Tatiana is currently working on the “Taking the Query out of Q Fever” project and in the development of a zoonotic vector-borne disease early warning system to enhance surveillance in Australia.

Dr Proboste's recent publications
Year Title Journal Authors
2025 Seroprevalence of Canine Distemper Virus Antibodies in Free-Roaming Dogs in Cambodia The Veterinary J J Wheelhouse, S Mak, R Legrand, et al
2024 Prevalence of Pathogens Important to Human and Companion Animal Health in an Urban Unowned Cat Population Wildlife Research T Michaelian, L Harriott, M Gentle, et al
2024 Quantifying Feral Pig Interactions to Inform Disease Transmission Networks Biorxiv T Proboste, A Turnlund, A Bengsen, et al
2024 Ascertainment of Community Exposure Sites to Ross River Virus During the 2020 Outbreak in Brisbane, Australia The J of Infectious Diseases, Jiae T Proboste, D Bista, NJ Clark, et al
2024 Assessing Perceptions of Flea and Tick Infestation Risk in Southeast Queensland, Australia Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports T Proboste, E Dennis, RJS Magalhães, et al
2024 Major Article T Proboste, D Bista, NJ Clark, et al
2022 Near-Term Forecasting of Companion Animal Tick Paralysis Incidence: An Iterative Ensemble Model Plos Computational Biology NJ Clark, T Proboste, G Weerasinghe, et al
2022 Profiling Risk Factors for Household and Community Spatiotemporal Clusters of q Fever Notifications in Queensland Between 2002 and 2017 Pathogens T Proboste, NJ Clark, S Tozer, et al
2022 Research and Innovation Opportunities to Improve Epidemiological Knowledge and Control of Environmentally Driven Zoonoses Annals of Global Health T Proboste, A James, A Charette-Castonguay, et al
2022 Haemoprotozoa in Wild Short‐beaked Echidnas (Tachyglossus Aculeatus) Australian Veterinary J AG Hill, SP Boyd, NJ Clark, et al
2021 Geographical Variation in Coxiella Burnetii Seroprevalence in Dairy Farms Located in South-Western Ethiopia: Understanding the Broader Community Risk Pathogens T Proboste, FB Deressa, Y Li, et al
2019 Commensal Bacterial Sharing Does not Predict Host Social Associations in Kangaroos J of Animal Ecology T Proboste, P Corvalan, N Clark, et al

Silvia Ciocchetta

Dr Silvia Ciocchetta is a Research Fellow at the University of Queensland

Dr Ciocchetta is a veterinarian, parasitologist and medical entomologist. She is a Research Fellow at the University of Queensland Schools of Veterinary Science and a member of the University of Queensland School of Public Health Infectious Disease Diagnostics team, developing near-infrared spectroscopy applications for novel non-invasive diagnosis of infectious diseases. She is a chief investigator on an innovative project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that uses near-infrared spectroscopy as a rapid detection method for the quantification of intestinal worm burden in humans. Dr Ciocchetta is also leading an NHMRC Ideas Grant on the applications of NIRS technology to the surveillance of vector-borne diseases. Her key strengths are her extensive field and laboratory experience in Biosecurity, Parasitology, Medical Entomology, Infectious Diseases and Zoonoses, Vector-Borne Diseases Surveillance, Vector Biology and Control, and Near-infrared Spectroscopy.

Dr Ciocchetta's recent publications
Year Title Journal Authors
2023 Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Algorithms for Rapid and Non-Invasive Detection of Trichuris Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases TN Kariyawasam, S Ciocchetta, P Visendi, et al
2023 Investigation on Key Aspects of Mating Biology in the Mosquito Aedes Koreicus Medical and Veterinary Entomology S Ciocchetta, FD Frentiu, F Montarsi, et al
2023 Identification of Visible and Near-Infrared Signature Peaks for Arboviruses and Plasmodium Biorxiv B Goh, RJ Soares Magalhães, S Ciocchetta, et al
2023 Machine Learning and Detection of Trichuris Muris in Mice The University of Queensland T Kariyawasam, M Lord, S Ciocchetta
2022 Dynamaedes: a Unified Modelling Framework for Invasive Aedes Mosquitoes Parasites & Vectors D Da Re, W Van Bortel, F Reuss, et al
2022 First Report of the Detection of Denv1 in Human Blood Plasma with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Viruses B Goh, P Visendi, AR Lord, et al
2022 Novel Diagnostic Tools for Soil Transmitted Helminths with Non-Invasive Capability. the Nearinfrared Spectroscopy and Artificial Intelligence American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene MT Sikulu-Lord, T Kariyawasam, S Ciocchetta, et al
2022 In Vitro Detection of Dengue 1 Virus in Human Whole Blood, Plasma, and Serum with Nearinfrared Spectroscopy American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene B Goh, P Visendi, S Ciocchetta, et al
2022 Investigation on Key Aspects of Aedes Koreicus Mating Biology S Ciocchetta, FD Frentiu, A Michelutti, et al
2022 Supplementary Materials Dynamaedes: a Unified Modelling Framework for Invasive Aedes Mosquitoes D Da Re, W Van Bortel, F Reuss, et al
2021 The Application of Spectroscopy Techniques for Diagnosis of Malaria Parasites and Arboviruses and Surveillance of Mosquito Vectors: a Systematic Review and Critical Appraisal … Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases B Goh, K Ching, RJ Soares Magalhães, et al
2021 The Potential of Nir Technique for Diagnosis of Trichuris Muris S Ciocchetta, PR Giacomin, TK Niroshini, et al
2019 Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination in Samoa: Evaluating the Use of Molecular Xenomonitoring as a Surveillance Tool American J of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene B McPherson, S Sheridan, K Owada, et al
2018 The New European Invader Aedes (Finlaya) Koreicus: a Potential Vector of Chikungunya Virus Pathogens and Global Health S Ciocchetta, NA Prow, JM Darbro, et al
2018 The Vector Potential of the Mosquito Aedes Koreicus Queensland University of Technology S Ciocchetta

PhD Students

Tarni Cooper

Tarni Cooper is a PhD student at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

Tarni is a veterinarian interested in One Health, particularly the human aspects of agricultural research for development (R4D). Tarni’s current research is supporting efforts to improve veterinary antimicrobial stewardship in Vietnam using a systems approach, combining epidemiological and participatory tools. Tarni’s advisors are Prof Ricardo Soares Magalhães, A/Prof Elske Van de Fliert from the Centre for Communication and Social Change and Dr Delia Grace of the International Livestock Research Institute. Tarni’s research is supported by the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health and contributes to the CGIAR Antimicrobial Resistance Hub. Read more about Tarni’s work on her ResearchGate and Google Scholar pages.

Tarni's recent publications
Year Title Journal Authors
2024 Calculation of Livestock Biomass and Value by Province in Indonesia: Key Information to Support Policymaking Preventive Veterinary Medicine D Smith, N Ilham, R Putri, et al
2024 Understanding Decision-Makers and their Needs: Framing Global Burden of Animal Diseases Offerings to Enhance Relevance and Increase Impact Scientific and Technical Review (Revue Scientifique et Technique De L’oie … D Smith, TL Cooper, BN Utomo, et al
2023 Developing a New Technology for Demonstrating Environmental Sustainability in the Australian Grassfed Beef Industry Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems S Sarwar, H Ross, S Van Bommel, et al
2023 Ilri Research on Antimicrobial Use and Resistance in Smallholder Livestock System in Vietnam Int Livestock Research Institute F Unger, S Dang-Xuan, H Nguyen-Viet, et al
2022 Beyond Numbers: Determining the Socioeconomic and Livelihood Impacts of African Swine Fever and Its Control in the Philippines Frontiers in Veterinary Science TL Cooper, D Smith, MJC Gonzales, et al
2022 Impacts of Animal Disease on Rural Livelihoods and Food Systems Resilience: The Case of African Swine Fever in the Philippines Xv World Congress of Rural Sciology D Smith, T Cooper, M Gonzales, et al
2021 Investigating the Socio-Economic and Livelihoods Impacts of African Swine Fever in Timor-Leste: An Application of Spatial Group Model Building Frontiers in Veterinary Science J Berends, J Bendita Da Costa Jong, TL Cooper, et al
2021 Evaluating the Opportunities for Smallholder Livestock Keepers in Timor-Leste. D Smith, T Cooper
2021 Developing a Regional African Swine Fever Socioeconomic and Livelihood Impact Assessment Framework. D Smith, T Cooper, S Sanderson, et al
2021 African Swine Fever–beyond the Numbers T Cooper
2021 Final Report: Developing a Regional African Swine Fever Socioeconomic and Livelihood Impact Assessment Framework D Smith, T Cooper
2021 Q&a: African Swine Fever–beyond the Numbers R Cleland, A Robinson, I Kernot, et al
2020 Participatory Epidemiology: Principles, Practice, Utility, and Lessons Learnt Frontiers in Veterinary Science RG Alders, SN Ali, AA Ameri, et al
2019 Counting the Cost: The Potential Impact of African Swine Fever on Smallholders in Timor-Leste One Health D Smith, T Cooper, A Pereira, et al
2019 Engaging with Complexity for Improved Veterinary Antimicrobial Stewardship in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam Poster Prepared for the One Health and Antimicrobial Resistance Research … T Cooper, D Grace, E Van De Fliert

Md. Mehedi Hasan

Md. Mehedi Hasan is a PhD student at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

Md. Mehedi Hasan is a PhD student at The University of Queensland. He has been awarded an International Research Training Program (RTP) scholarship funded by the Commonwealth Government of Australia to undertake his current doctoral research. His doctoral thesis is focused on maternal and child health in low- and middle- income countries. Prior to his PhD studies, Mehedi served icddr,b; an International research organization based in Bangladesh and Helen Keller International (HKI) in Bangladesh. During his professional period, he was involved in several projects focusing on nutritional status of women and under five children, household food insecurity, food consumption, dietary diversity, infant and young child feeding practices, maternal and reproductive health, homestead food production, and hygiene.

Shovon Chakma

Shovon Chakma is a PhD student at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

Shovon Chakma is a veterinarian from Bangladesh with an over four years of experience working in infectious disease surveillance programs in Bangladesh. He completed One Health Epidemiology Fellowship from Massey University, New Zealand in 2016 and is a life member of One Health Bangladesh. Prior to joining the SpatialEpiLab at the School of Veterinary Science at the UQ, he worked as a National Technical Advisor (Epidemiology) for Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization in Bangladesh, focusing particularly on avian influenza virus (AIV) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance systems in live bird markets and livestock disease outbreak investigation. As a researcher, he implemented the first known study of zoonotic agents carried by non-indigenous rodents living in the Australian wet-tropical forest interface. His PhD project will evaluate the risk of live bird market environmental contamination heterogeneity with avian influenza over space and time in Bangladesh, which will then be linked to health outcomes in poultry and humans. Outside of work and study, he enjoys playing cricket and site-seeing.

Shovon's recent publications
Year Title Journal Authors
2023 Human Exposure to Bats, Rodents and Monkeys in Bangladesh Ecohealth IS Shanta, SP Luby, K Hossain, et al
2023 The One Health Epidemiology of Avian Influenza Infection in Bangladesh: Lessons Learned from the Past 15 Years Transboundary and Emerging Diseases MM Hassan, P Dutta, MM Islam, et al
2023 Biocheck. Ugent: a Risk-Based Tool to Assess the Status of Biosecurity in Backyard Poultry in Low-and Middle-Income Countries Ugent: a Risk-Based Tool to Assess the Status of Biosecurity in Backyard … N Ibrahim, I Chantziaras, S Chakma, et al
2022 Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity and Determinants of Canine Rabies Evidence at Local Government Area Level in Nigeria: Implications for Rabies Prevention and Control One Health PP Mshelbwala, JS Weese, NJ Clark, et al
2022 Spatial Epidemiology of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Subtype H5n6 in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, 2016–2017 Transboundary and Emerging Diseases JS Lim, RJ Soares Magalhaes, S Chakma, et al
2022 Research and Innovation Opportunities to Improve Epidemiological Knowledge and Control of Environmentally Driven Zoonoses Annals of Global Health T Proboste, A James, A Charette-Castonguay, et al
2022 Role of Poultry Trade Network on the Avian Influenza a Viruses Environmental Contamination Patterns at Live Bird Markets, Dhaka, Bangladesh S Chakma, MG Osmani, PP Mshelbwala, et al
2022 Transmission Dynamics and Epidemiology of Avian Influenza Infection at Human-Poultry-Wildlife Interface in Bangladesh Queensland Alliance for One Health Sciences, School of Veterinary Science … MM Hasan, P Dutta, MM Islam, et al
2022 Poultry Trade Network and Avian Influenza a Viruses Environmental Contamination at Live Bird Markets, Dhaka, Bangladesh: The Value of Social Network Analysis Queensland Alliance for One Health Sciences, School of Veterinary Science … S Chakma, S Horsman, MG Osmani, et al
2022 Detection of Risk Areas and Factors Associated with the Avian Influenza H5 Environmental Contamination at Live Bird Markets in Dhaka Metropolitan Local Government Areas, Bangladesh S Chakma, MG Osmani, MR Karim, et al
2021 Rabies Epidemiology, Prevention and Control in Nigeria: Scoping Progress Towards Elimination Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases PP Mshelbwala, JS Weese, OA Sanni-Adeniyi, et al
2021 Risk Areas for Influenza a (H5) Environmental Contamination in Live Bird Markets, Dhaka, Bangladesh Emerging Infectious Diseases S Chakma, MG Osmani, H Akwar, et al
2021 Spatial Patterns of Canine Rabies Evidence at the Local Government Area Level in Nigeria: Association with Socioeconomic and Ecological Determinants PP Mshelbwala, JS Weese, I Tekki, et al
2021 Actual Scenario of Existing Marketing System of Maize in Bangladesh Academia Letters S Chakma, AM Naeem, MK Roy, et al
2020 Qualitative Risk Assessment of Transmission Pathways of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (Hpai) Virus at Live Poultry Markets in Dhaka City, Bangladesh Zoonoses and Public Health SKS Islam, H Akwar, MM Hossain, et al
2020 An Assessment on Potential Risk Pathways for the Incursion of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in Backyard Poultry Farm in Bangladesh Veterinary World K Islam, MM Ahsan, S Chakma, et al
2020 Healing Capacity of Leaves Stalks Extract of Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma Longifolia Jack.) on Incised Wounds of Mice Skin Pharmacognosy J RGP Panjaitan, A Maulidya, ARP Raharjeng, et al
2020 Raw Date Palm Sap Consumption and Human Exposure to Bat in Bangladesh IS Shanta, SP Luby, K Hossain, et al
2019 Consumption of Raw Date Palm Sap and Human Exposure to Bats in Bangladesh Nipah Virus Int Conference, Singapore. IS Shanta, SP Luby, K Hossain, et al
2018 Investigation of Animal Anthrax Outbreaks in the Human–animal Interface at Risky Districts of Bangladesh During 2016–2017 J of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research SKS Islam, S Chakma, AHMT Akhter, et al
2018 Sink Surveillance, an Innovative Approach to Identify Hpai and Other Emerging Zoonotic Pathogens in Live Bird Markets in Bangladesh Prince Mahidol Award Conference (Pmac), Poster a M Osmani, H Akwar, Z Hasan, et al
2018 Why Do Community Livestock Continue to be Ignored Within Emerging Disease Surveillance Programmes? Addressing the Systemic Bias for Intensified Livestock Production Within … Prince Mahidol Award Conference H Akwar, K Naher, AS Zubery, et al
2018 Utilising Existing Surveillance Platforms to Establish a Sustainable Amr National Surveillance and Monitoring System in Bangladesh The Second Oie Global Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance, Marrakesh … T Nasrin, S Akter, PK Howlader, et al
2018 The Potential Pathways of Introduction and Transmission of Hpai Virus at Live Birds Markets in Dhaka City, Bangladesh The SKS Islam, H Akwar, MZ Hasan, et al
2018 Achieving Resilience to Emerging Infectious Diseases Within the Poultry Production Systems; Development of a Production-Led Strategy for the Progressive Control of Avian … Prince Mahidol Award Conference, Thailand E Brum, K Naher, AS Zubery, et al
2017 a Survey of Zoonotic Pathogens Carried by Non‐indigenous Rodents at the Interface of the Wet Tropics of North Queensland, Australia Transboundary and Emerging Diseases S Chakma, J Picard, R Duffy, et al
2017 Livestock Associated Epidemiological Information Profiling in New Sandwip Island (Jahajerchar) of the Meghna Estuary, Noakhali using Participatory Disease Searching Tool J of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research SKS Islam, S Chakma, AHMT Akhter, et al
2017 Amu Reality Check: Documenting the Widespread Use of Critically Important Human Antimicrobials in Livestock in Bangladesh Z Hasan, H Akwar, S Chakma, et al
2017 The Source-Sink Model and Its Implications for Spillover Risk to Humans and Detection of Rare Pathogens – What the Patterns of Human H5n1 and H7n9 Cases Tell Us About Emerging … H Akwar, MM Hossain, U Hesterberg, et al
2017 Should Consumers Purchase Poultry from Live Bird Markets or from Door-to-Door Live Bird Traders - a Comparative Assessment of Avian Influenza Spill-over Risk in Dhaka, Bangladesh Z Hasan, U Hesterberg, H Akwar, et al
2016 Isolation, Identification and Antimicrobial Resistance Profile of Staphylococcus Aureus in Cockroaches (Periplaneta Americana) J of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research A Islam, AD Nath, K Islam, et al
2016 Isolation and Epidemiology of Multidrug Resistant Escherichia Coli from Goats in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh J of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research K Islam, A Ahad, M Barua, et al
2016 a Cross Sectional Study of Infectious Bursal Disease and Newcastle Disease in Poultry in Narsingdi District of Bangladesh J of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research S Islam, A Islam, SP Moni, et al
2016 Leptospirosis in Bangladesh: An Urgent Need for Coordinated Surveillance System Online J of Public Health Informatics S Chakma, S Mahmood
2016 Serological Evidence of Henipavirus Exposure among Apparently Healthy Occupational Risk Group in Bangladesh: a One Health Priority for Control S Mahmood, MN Islam, MNU Chowdhury, et al
2016 Community Attitudes and Knowledge About Bats in Nipah-Affected and Non Nipah-Affected Areas: Potential Threat to Biodiversity and Conservation in Bangladesh MNU Chowdhury, MN Islam, S Mahmood, et al
2016 Case-Control Area Study of Risk Factors for Exposure of Village Residents to Nipah Virus in Bangladesh MN Islam, S Mahmood, MNU CHowdhury, et al
2016 Economic Evaluation of One Health Policies for Controlling Anthrax in Bangladesh K Islam, S Mahmood, MNU Chowdhury, et al
2016 a Qualitative Risk Assessment of Emerging Infectious Diseases of Bangladesh Int J of Infectious Diseases S Chakma, K Islam, S Mahmood
2016 Identification of Potential Risk Factors for Recurrent Outbreaks of Infectious Bursal Disease (Ibd) in Poultry Farms of Bogra District, Bangladesh in 2015 Asian-Australasian J of Bioscience and Biotechnology SKS Islam, AHMT Akhter, MA Sufian, et al
2016 Social Network Analysis of Poultry Movement and Contact Patterns to Assess Transmission Potential of Exotic Subtypes of Avian Influenza in Poultry- Dense Districts of Bangladesh Ecohealth S Chakma, K Islam, M Asaduzzaman, et al
2015 Isolation and Molecular Detection of Pasteurella Multocida Type a from Naturally Infected Chickens, and their Histopathological Evaluation in Artificially Infected Chickens In … J of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research SN Panna, KHMNH Nazir, MB Rahman, et al
2015 Epidemiology of Infectious Bursal Disease in Broiler Birds of Three Districts in Bangladesh Asian J of Medical and Biological Research S Chakma
2015 Prevalence of Infectious and Non-Infectious Diseases in Different Age Groups of Commercial Layer Chicken in Feni District, Bangladesh Van Veterinary J MB Hossaın, S Chakma, A Al Noman
2015 Production Performances of Japanese Quail Parent Stock under Open Housing System J of Embryo Transfer MB Hossain, PC Sen, MA Al Noman, et al
2014 Assessment of Bangladeshi Mothers’ Knowledge and Awareness on Childhood Tuberculosis: a Cross Sectional Study Science J of Public Health T Islam, S Chakma, MAR Bhuiyan, et al
2012 Estimation of Genetic Parameters on the Performance of Brahama Graded Calves Int J of Applied Research GS Ahmad, MMH Hussain, MN Islam, et al
2010 Rapid Detection of Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus by Standardization of Polymerase Chain Reaction Targeting a Relatively Conserved Region of the Thymidine Kinase Gene University J of Zoology, Rajshahi University S Chakma, S Sarker, S Talukder, et al
2009 Management Practices and Prevalent Diseases in a Commercial Layer Farm of Mymensingh District Internation J of Bioresearch M Aktar, PM Das, J Hassan, et al
NA Role of Live Poultry Movement and Market-Level Biosecurity in the Temporal Variation of Avian Influenza a/H5 Environmental Contamination in Live Bird Markets of Dhaka, Bangladesh Bangladesh S Chakma, S Horseman, MG Osmani, et al

Uttara Kennedy

Uttara Kennedy is a PhD student at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

Uttara Kennedy has worked for over 18 years as a small animal veterinarian, practice manager and mentor across Australia and India. She has an MSc in International Animal Welfare, Ethics and Law and is a Member of the ANZVCS (Animal Welfare chapter). Alongside pursuing her PhD, she is a veterinarian at RSPCA Queensland’s largest city shelter. Her experience has given her deep insight into the issues pertaining to shelter medicine and control of endemic diseases in the shelter environment. Her PhD work involves using machine learning technology to categorise clinical notes within the RSPCA database for case ascertainment. Accurate case ascertainment is vital in informing shelter policy to improve animal management practices to have a direct positive impact on animal welfare and shelter resource management worldwide. She loves disappearing into the bush on long hiking-camping adventures with her family when she is not working or studying.

Uttara's recent publications
Year Title Journal Authors
2025 Epidemiology of Feline Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Shelter Cats at Rspca Queensland U Kennedy
2024 Epidemiological Insights into the Burden of Feline Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Queensland Rspca Shelters Australian Veterinary J U Kennedy, M Paterson, N Clark
2024 a Scoping Review of the Evidence on Prevalence of Feline Upper Respiratory Tract Infections and Associated Risk Factors Veterinary Sciences U Kennedy, MBA Paterson, RS Magalhaes, et al
2024 Prevalence of Feline Upper Respiratory Tract Pathogens and Risk Factors for Clinical Disease and Final Outcomes in an Rspca Shelter in Queensland, Australia Veterinary Record Open U Kennedy, M Stevenson, M Paterson, et al
2023 using a Gradient Boosted Model for Case Ascertainment from Free-Text Veterinary Records Preventive Veterinary Medicine U Kennedy, M Paterson, N Clark
2023 The Sheltering of Unwanted Cows in India Cattle Welfare in Dairy and Beef Systems: a New Approach to Global Issues … A Sharma, U Kennedy, CJC Phillips
2021 Cow Shelters: Animal Welfare, Human Well-Being and the Environment in an Indian Context One Welfare in Practice U Kennedy, A Sharma, CJC Phillips
2019 The Welfare of Cows in Indian Shelters Animals A Sharma, U Kennedy, C Schuetze, et al
2019 Biological Control of Pests and a Social Model of Animal Welfare J of Environmental Management A Mankad, U Kennedy, L Carter
2019 a Novel Method of Assessing Floor Friction in Cowsheds and Its Association with Cow Health Animals A Sharma, U Kennedy, C Phillips
2019 a Novel Method of Assessing Floor Friction in Cowsheds and Its Association with Cow Health. AS Arvind Sharma, U Kennedy, C Phillips
2019 The Welfare of Cows in Indian Shelters. AS Arvind Sharma, U Kennedy, C Schuetze, et al
2018 The Sheltering of Unwanted Cattle, Experiences in India and Implications for Cattle Industries Elsewhere Animals U Kennedy, A Sharma, CJC Phillips
2018 The Sheltering of Unwanted Cattle, Experiences in India and Implications for Cattle Industries Elsewhere. Animals. 8 (64) U Kennedy, A Sharma, CJ Phillips
NA Cat Flu in Animal Shelters: Two Perspectives U Kennedy, B Sharman
NA Effect of Appetite Stimulation by a Single Dose of Mirtazapine on Feline Upper Respiratory Tract Disease in Sheltered Cats Available at Ssrn U Kennedy, M Paterson, S Jaensch, et al

Francisca Powell

Francisca Powell is a PhD student at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

Fran is a PhD candidate currently working on using multivariate modelling approaches to predict co-infections in both humans and animals. Her principal advisor is Dr. Nicholas Clark, and her associate advisors are Prof. Ricardo Soares Magalhães, Dr. Nicholas Fountain-Jones and Dr. Konstans Wells. Fran has broad interests in One Health research and infectious disease epidemiology and control, and has a multidisciplinary academic background in biomedical science, sociology, and French.

Francisca's recent publications
Year Title Journal Authors
2024 a Systematic Review and Guide for using Multi-Response Statistical Models in Co-Infection Research Royal Society Open Science F Powell-Romero, K Wells, NJ Clark
2024 Advancing Ecological Community Analysis with Mriml 2.0: Unravelling Taxa Associations Through Interpretable Machine Learning N Fountain-Jones, R Appaw, M Alkhamis, et al
2024 Asymmetric Biotic Interactions Cannot be Inferred without Accounting for Priority Effects Ecology Letters F Powell‐Romero, K Wells, NJ Clark
2023 Improving the Predictability and Interpretability of Co‐occurrence Modelling Through Feature‐based Joint Species Distribution Ensembles Methods in Ecology and Evolution F Powell‐Romero, NM Fountain‐Jones, A Norberg, et al
2023 R04. 1 using Joint Species Distribution Models to Improve Predictions of Co-Infection in Veterinary Epidemiology Geovet F Powell-Romero, K Wells, N Clark

Thomas Callaghan

Thomas Callaghan is a PhD student at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

Thomas is a PhD student interested in zoonotic infectious diseases and a One Health approach to their management. His current research focuses on the spatial epidemiology of zoonotic foodborne disease in Queensland. This work will include identifying which risk factors and exposure pathways are associated with animal infection, human infection, morbidity, and hospitalisation. Thomas has worked as a scientist for several years at Safe Food Production Queensland, Biosecurity Queensland, and the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Thomas completed his prior tertiary studies at UQ with a Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours) and Graduate Certificate in Animal Science. He is a member of the Australian Society for Microbiology and an alumnus of the Evolutionary Physiology Laboratory at UQ’s School of Biological Science. Thomas’s advisors at UQ are Prof Ricardo Soares Magalhães, Prof Colleen Lau, A/Prof Rowland Cobbold and Dr Dwan Vilcins. His external advisors are Robin Sherlock (Safe Food Production Queensland) and Adj A/Professor Jim Smith (Queensland Health and QUT). Read more about Thomas on his ResearchGate page.

Holly Crompton

Holly Crompton is a PhD student at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

Holly is a PhD student with a particular interest in infectious disease epidemiology, geospatial analysis and One Health approaches to disease control. Her current PhD work is on identifying risk factors and using spatial analysis techniques with the goal of targeting global rabies elimination. Her Primary supervisor is Prof Ricardo Soares Magalhães and her associate supervisors are Dr. Nicholas Clark, Professor Cassiano Victoria and Dr. Janine Barrett.

K. A. N. K. Karunarathna

Nishan is a PhD student at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

I am a PhD candidate at School of Veterinary Science, The University of Queensland. Research is being carried out under supervision of Dr. Nicholas Clark in his DECRA project “Modelling Ecological Responses to Climate Change”.

I hold a B.Sc. (Hons) in Statistics from University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka, a M.Sc. in Applied Statistics and M.Phil. in Statistics. Both M.Sc. and M.Phil. degrees are from University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. I have been working at Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka since 2011. Prior to this, I rendered my service as an instructor and teaching staff in University of Sri Jayewardenepura and University of Peradeniya, respectively for couples of years. My research fields of interest are statistical modelling, inferences, and designs of experiments. Most of my research are in the fields such as health, environment, industrial, education, and social science.

Josefina Abedin

Josefina Abedin is a PhD student at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

I am a medical Microbiologist and a PhD student at the School of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland funded by Bangladesh Government Scholarship. I have completed M.Phil in Microbiology from Dhaka Medical College, Bangladesh in 2016. My doctoral thesis is focused on molecular characterization of Influenza Viruses at human-poultry high-risk interfaces in Bangladesh. Prior to my PhD studies I have worked with multi-sectoral lab teams for more than 6 years in Bangladesh and contributed to the diagnosis of novel viral agent family, investigating different zoonotic diseases outbreak including covid 19 outbreak and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). During my Professional period, I was involved in several projects focusing on Infectious disease epidemiology and One health research. I was the lab coordinator of IEDCR for the USAID PREDICT project in Bangladesh and maintained liaison with laboratory partners regarding molecular and serological identification of known and novel viruses. I have served as an instructor to train other lab personnel from the government of Bangladesh.

Josefina's recent publications
Year Title Journal Authors
2023 Seroprevalence of and Risk Factors of Rift Valley Fever and q Fever in Domestic Ruminants of Bangladesh Int J of Infectious Diseases S Islam, MK Rahman, J Abedin, et al
2023 Serological Evidence of Bluetongue Virus and Associated Factors in Small Ruminants of Bangladesh Preventive Veterinary Medicine S Islam, MK Rahman, J Abedin, et al
2022 Transmission Dynamics and Genomic Epidemiology of Emerging Variants of Sars-Cov-2 in Bangladesh Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease MA Sayeed, J Ferdous, O Saha, et al
2022 Transmission Pathways and Genomic Epidemiology of Emerging Variants of Sars-Cov-2 in the Environment Covid A Islam, MA Sayeed, MA Kalam, et al
2022 Seroprevalence and Risk Factors of Bluetongue Virus in Sheep of Chattogram, Bangladesh, Veterinary World, 15 (6): 1589–1594 Abstract TK Munmun, S Islam, S Zamil, et al
2021 Assessment of Basic Reproduction Number (R0), Spatial and Temporal Epidemiological Determinants, and Genetic Characterization of Sars-Cov-2 in Bangladesh Infection, Genetics and Evolution A Islam, MA Sayeed, MK Rahman, et al
2021 Spatial Epidemiology and Genetic Diversity of Sars-Cov-2 and Related Coronaviruses in Domestic and Wild Animals Plos One A Islam, J Ferdous, MA Sayeed, et al
2021 Molecular Epidemiology of Sars-Cov-2 in Diverse Environmental Samples Globally Microorganisms A Islam, MA Sayeed, MA Kalam, et al
2021 Prevalence and Genetic Diversity of Coronavirus in Human in Bangladesh Int J of Infectious Diseases SD Choudhury, A Islam, J Abedin, et al
2020 Serological Evidence of West Nile Virus in Wild Birds in Bangladesh Veterinary Sciences A Islam, S Islam, ME Hossain, et al

Sara Horsman

Sara is a PhD student at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

Sara is a PhD student focusing on the epidemiology and control of canine skin and ear conditions in Australia. Her work encompasses spatial and spatiotemporal epidemiological approaches, identifying environmental and socio-economic risk factors of skin and ear conditions, and associations between antimicrobial resistance and treatment types for allergies and skin/ear infections in dogs. Along with bacteriology, specifically antimicrobial resistance and usage, and molecular microbiology, including microbiota analyses (16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing) and whole-genome sequencing. Her principal advisor is Assoc. Prof. Justine Gibson, and her associate ad visors are Dr Erika Meler, Dr. Deirdre Mikkelsen, and Prof Ricardo Soares Magalhães.

Sara's recent publications
Year Title Journal Authors
2025 Molecular Epidemiological Characteristics of Staphylococcus Pseudintermedius, Staphylococcus Coagulans, and Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci Cultured … Antibiotics S Horsman, J Zaugg, E Meler, et al
2025 Characterization and Comparison of Fecal Microbiota in Horses with Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction and Age‐matched Controls J of Veterinary Internal Medicine W Wang, J Gibson, S Horsman, et al
2024 Bacterial Culture and Susceptibility Test Results for Clinical Mastitis Samples from Australia’s Subtropical Dairy Region J of Dairy Science C Langhorne, S Horsman, C Wood, et al
2024 Assessment of Sensitivity and Specificity of Bacterial Culture and the Vetmax™ Mastitype Multi Kit in Detecting Streptococcus Uberis and Escherichia Coli in Milk Samples From … Preventive Veterinary Medicine T Imam, S Horsman, B Wood, et al
2024 Faecal Bacterial Communities Differ Amongst Discrete Foraging Populations of Dugongs along the East Australian Coast Fems Microbiology Ecology D Mikkelsen, AM McGowan, JS Gibson, et al
2024 Geographical Variation and Co-Distribution of Antimicrobial Resistance and Usage for Canine Skin and Ear Infections in Queensland: The Need for Continued Integrated Surveillance S Horsman, J Gibson, E Meler, et al
2024 ‘Insights into Mastitis Pathogens and Microbiota in Milk Samples from Cows from Australia’s Subtropical Dairy Region’ S Horsman, C Langhorne, JS Gibson
2024 Molecular Epidemiological Characteristics of Staphylococcus Species Cultured from Clinical Canine Skin and Ear Samples in Queensland S Horsman, J Zaugg, D Mikkelsen, et al
2023 Nasal Microbiota Profiles in Shelter Dogs with Dermatological Conditions Carrying Methicillin-Resistant and Methicillin-Sensitive Staphylococcus Species Scientific Reports S Horsman, E Meler, D Mikkelsen, et al
2023 Bacterial Culture and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Results from Bovine Milk Samples Submitted to Four Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories in Australia from 2015 to 2019 Frontiers in Veterinary Science C Langhorne, SD Gupta, S Horsman, et al
2023 Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Common Mastitis-Causing Bacteria in Dairy Cows in Subtropical Dairy Region of Australia C Langhorne, S Horsman, R Price, et al
2023 Identification and Antimicrobial Resistance of Bacterial Isolates Cultured from Clinical Canine Skin and Ear Samples in Queensland S Horsman, E Meler, D Mikkelsen, et al
2022 Poultry Trade Network and Avian Influenza a Viruses Environmental Contamination at Live Bird Markets, Dhaka, Bangladesh: The Value of Social Network Analysis Queensland Alliance for One Health Sciences, School of Veterinary Science … S Chakma, S Horsman, MG Osmani, et al
2022 Uncovering the Geographical Associations Between Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Usage in Dogs Treated with Anti-Pruritic Therapies for Pruritic Skin and Ear … S Horsman, C Croton, E Meler, et al
2022 Geographical Variation in Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns of Bacteria Isolated from Canine Skin and Ear Samples in Queensland S Horsman, E Meler, D Mikkelsen, et al
2022 Summary of Culture and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Results from Bovine Milk Samples Submitted to Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories in Eastern Australia from 2015-2019 C Wood, S Das Gupta, C Langhorne, et al
2021 Environmental Recovery of Nosocomial Bacteria in a Companion Animal Shelter Before and after Infection Control Procedures Frontiers in Veterinary Science S Horsman, H Rynhoud, X Zhou, et al
2021 Nasal Microbiota Diversity and Abundance in Shelter Dogs Carrying Methicillin-Resistant and-Sensitive Staphylococcus Species S Horsman, D Mikkelsen, J Mallyon, et al
NA Role of Live Poultry Movement and Market-Level Biosecurity in the Temporal Variation of Avian Influenza a/H5 Environmental Contamination in Live Bird Markets of Dhaka, Bangladesh Bangladesh S Chakma, S Horseman, MG Osmani, et al

Former lab group members

Philip Mshelbwala

Philip P. Mshelbwala is a PhD student at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

Philip is a veterinarian, and a PhD student at the School of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland, with broad interests in infectious diseases, epidemiology and One Health. The central focus of his PhD is to quantify rabies transmission risk in Nigeria to support prevention and control efforts towards attaining zero human rabies deaths mediated via dogs by 2030. His pimary supervisors is Dr. Nicholas Clark, and his co-supervisors are Prof Ricardo Soares Magalhães, Prof J. Scott Weese and Professor Joanne Meers. Read more about Philip’s work on his ResearchGate page.

Hester Rynhoud

Hester Rynhoud is a PhD student at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

Hester is interested in the study of zoonotic bacterial diseases and how they contribute to the One Health concept. Hester’s current research focuses on the molecular and spatial epidemiology of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus spp. carriage in Brisbane’s domestic and shelter animals. Hester’s advisors at UQ are A/Prof Ricardo Soares Magalhães, Dr Justine Gibson and Dr Erika Meler. Read more about Hester’s work on her ResearchGate page.

Pandji Dhewantara

Dr Pandji Dhewantara is a PhD student at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

Pandji is an early-career researcher working at the National Institute of Health Research and Development (NIHRD)-Ministry of Health of Indonesia. He obtained his Master’s degree on Environmental science in Padjajaran University, Bandung, Indonesia. In Indonesia, his research particularly focuses on the epidemiology of vector-borne diseases such as dengue, malaria and lymphatic filariasis. Currently, his PhD project is focusing on leptospirosis – a zoonotic bacterial disease caused by Leptospira in China. His project is aiming at estimating the burden of human leptospirosis in China and using spatial analytical tools to understand the spatial epidemiology of human leptospirosis in China and the effects of demographical, ecological and socio-economic factors on the geographical and temporal pattern of human leptospirosis. Pandji’s advisors are Prof Ricardo Soares Magalhães, A/Prof. Abdullah Mamun from UQ’s Institute of Social Science Research and Prof. Wenbiao Hu from the School of Public Health and Social Work, Queensland University of Technology. Read more about Pandji’s work on his ResearchGate and Google Scholar pages.

Yalemzewod Assefa Gelaw (Yalem)

Yalemzewod Assefa Gelaw is a PhD student at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

Yalemzewod is a PhD candidate interested in infectious disease, particularly in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and tuberculosis (TB). Yalem’s current research focuses on the epidemiology of tuberculosis and HIV associated TB co-infection in Ethiopia. Yalem joined the University of Queensland after ten years of experience working in the Ministry of Health as a senior environmental health officer, as well as holding an academic position at the University of Gondar in Ethiopia. He obtained his master’s degree on Master of public health in Epidemiology and Biostatistics in University of Gondar, Ethiopia. Yalem’s advisors are Prof Gail Williams, Dr Yibeltal Alemu and Prof Ricardo Soares Magalhães. Read more about Yalem’s work on his Google scholar and ResearchGate pages.

Andrea Araujo Navas

Andrea Araujo Navas is a PhD student at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

Andrea is a geographer currently conducting PhD research into uncertainties related to spatial epidemiological studies. Her interest are to analyse spatial structures from epidemiological data as well as to focus on the relevance of different environmental risk factors that determine the exposure to Schistosoma japonicum infection in the Philippines. Andrea’s main research is at the Faculty of Geo-information and Earth Observations Sciences at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. Her advisors are Prof Alfred Stein and Dr Frank Osei at UTwente, and Prof Ricardo Soares Magalhães at University of Queensland. Read more about Andrea’s work on her ResearchGate page.

Tuhin Biswas

Tuhin Biswas is a PhD student at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

Tuhin started his research career as a research fellow in one of the centre of excellence “Centre for Control of Chronic Diseases” at icddr,b which was established with funding support from National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI). He has experience working in a number of research projects that include diabetes & prediabetes, surveillance and community management of hypertension, metabolic syndrome, child obesity, mental health and its resultant health effects in Bangladesh. His major works included implementation of research projects; planning, organizing and carry out various research/field research and study activities. His PhD research will explore the double burden of malnutrition among the women in South and Southeast Asia and its geographical variation, health inequality and health achievement. Tuhin’s advisors are A/Prof Abdullah Mamun and Prof Ricardo Soares Magalhães. Read more about Tuhin’s work on his Google scholar and ResearchGate pages.

Xiaoyan Zhou

Xiaoyan Zhou is a PhD student at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

Xiaoyan is currently a PhD student studying the spatial epidemiology of emerging infectious diseases. Xiaoyan’s research topic is Spatial Risk Assessment of the Zoonotic Influenza A (H7N9) along the Live Meat Chicken Market Chain in Southeast China. Her research aims to get a better understanding of live poultry market chains in eastern China, with the specific aim to define the risks of sustained transmission of H7N9 virus along the live meat chicken market chain in eastern China. Before she started her PhD, she has been working as national GIS specialist for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in China for over four years. Here she mainly focused on applying statistical modeling and simulation approaches to conduct risk assessment and spatial prediction to better understand the epidemiological features of zoonotic diseases in Asian countries. Xiaoyan obtained her master’s degree in Geospatial Sciences and Remote Sensing from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Alex Pekin

Alex Pekin  is an Honours student at the Spatial Epidemiology Group, University of Queensland

Alex was an Honours scholar at the University of Queensland. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Animal and Veterinary Bioscience) in 2018 and is researching risk factors and spatial distribution of dog bite attacks in South-East Queensland; a collaborative project between the University of Queensland and Queensland Health. He is committed to utilizing a One Health approach as a method of improving healthcare infrastructure in developed and developing countries. As an undergraduate he contributed to work quantifying the temporal relationship between H7N9 avian influenza onset in humans with poultry surveillance, live bird movements, and sociodemographic factors. He plans to pursue further study into One Health issues, with a focus on veterinary solutions and interventions. Alex’s advisor was Prof Ricardo Soares Magalhães.